International Regulations

International entry and exit regulations

Airlines are not responsible for incorrect pet travel documents. This implies that if the paperwork are corrupt, your pet can be repatriated or placed in a 30-day quarantine, which will cost you astronomically. To circumvent these obstacles and ensure a smooth travel experience for your pet, it’s essential to accurately document all of the necessary information.

Please remember that you are ultimately responsible for fulfilling all requirements.

As a company that takes pets on trips, we are aware of the international regulations pertaining to transporting animals and provide information regarding the global requirements for entry, the rabies vaccine, health certification, import licenses, and other pertinent information. Please be cognizant of that each country has unique requirements for animals regarding entry, which may necessitate vaccines, tests, and health standards. We help you transport your cherished furry companion with ease and safety, whether in the airplane’s cabin, as extra luggage, or in the hold.